Online Workshop – Museum of Contemporary Tibetan Art


ONLINE ART Challenge in Corona virus  Era

WORKSHOP/TUTORIAL by  TASHI NORBU - Venerable Karma Choeying Tashi

The renown Tibetan Artist and recently a Monk as well, is giving a live online workshop on how to make a Buddha amidst a beautiful landscape or amidst a Tibetan Calligraphy.  Techniques used are based on traditional and contemporary Tibetan art. 
Upcoming Sunday, 10th May
Workshop lasts up to 2,5 hours (break included)

Clock in live from USA or EU

From 13:30 – 16:00 PM Amsterdam Time

From 19:30 – 22:00 PM New York Time

This Workshop  is applied to all, beginners as well as experienced painters. Ven Tashi will be using his Art talents and will  motivate you to paint a Buddha,  bringing peace in your mind, making you feel the confidence and victory of creating!

Prepare yourself for this painting experience, guided by the valuable instructions of one of the most popular Tibetan Artists in the West.  

There is a symbolic payment and a cultural meaning in the fee of this workshop  €25,-  during these crucial hours for all,  for supporting our Museum of Contemporary Tibetan Art, thus preserving and expanding the Tibetan Art and Culture worldwide.

You can fit at the above hours of our workshop, made to cover different times of our participants and their locations across the world.

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